Monday, December 5, 2011

I'm going to be hurting tommorrow :)

I went to the gym with my husband for the first time today and I REALLY enjoyed it.

I spread my time between the treadmill, elliptical, stair climber, bike, and weight machines which ended up with me burning 723 calories. I found that I was much more motivated to push myself farther and harder at the gym over working out at home.

Had lunch at Panera Bread, which broke down as follows:

1 cup Broccoli Cheddar Soup - 200 calories
Half Chopped Chicken Cobb Salad - 250 calories
Lunch Total : 450 calories

Also I had a protein shake after my workout that was 170 calories.

Plan for dinner is Taco Salad made with shredded lettuce, kidney beans, grilled chicken, salsa, and reduced fat shredded cheese (NO CHIPS).

I'm starting to feel a little sore, and I know that's probably going to be worse in the morning.

Tomorrow morning's workout will be cardio, and I have a weigh-in on Wednesday, so hopefully I will some sort of result on the scale :)

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

This is me. In all my 249 lb glory.

Inside though, I'm much more than this flabby, frumpy thing. I'm Sarah.

So who exactly is Sarah?

I am 25 years old and I live with my husband of almost 5 years and our 3 year old daughter, E. I currently work for a very busy optometry practice and I'm attempting to finish school. I love to read, watch good movies, listen to music, photography, making stuff, cooking. I love life. Which is funny, because my weight (and size) are causing me to not fully live my life. I'm uncomfortable in my skin. I hate to buy clothes. I'm tired ALL the time.

So today, I've decided. No mas.

Today I'm making the decision to change my life. To lose weight. To get active. To be healthy. I've tried before and failed, but never again. I am going to do whatever it takes to be the person I want to be. The person my husband and daughter deserve. The person I miss, that girl I used to be.

This blog is going to be a place for me to vent my frustrations and celebrate my victories. I may be the only person that ever reads these words, maybe not.

Also, I decided to name my blog See Sarah Run because I have a goal of running a 4 mile race at the end of May.

So this is it....the first day of the rest of my life. Enjoy the ride :)